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Unconstitutionality of the Federal Rights Law, 2000. Unique precedent before National Supreme Court of Justice.


Unconstitutionality of the Value Added Tax Law. 2003: Case drinking yoghurt and milk drinks, zero rate on foodstuffs; before National Supreme Court of Justice. These criteria was the basis for the modification of several legal precedents on the subject.


Unconstitutionality of the Federal Rights Law 2003-2013. This case represented a significant recovery of the cost of enviromental investments for serveral international companies. Tax credit.


Unconstitutionality of the Value Added Tax Law 2010-2013. Case concerning the application of zero rate of tax in alimentary products. This case was the basis for the modification of various jurisprudential criteria on the matter.


Several precedents applicable on national waters procedures, that have influenced ammendments to current legislation and substantially benefited the national and foreign industry, strengthening the rule of law.


Several precedents applicable in the agricultural sector with an impact on public policy.